Physical Management Honors


Physical Education, Health, and Drivers Education


Physical Education






Full Year

Physical Management Honors

This course is open to junior and senior students by recommendation only.  It is designed to challenge the highly motivated and physically active student with the primary focus of the course being centered on establishing, improving upon, and maintaining a healthy level of fitness.  Students will engage in a combination of team and individual activities, physical conditioning, and an academic piece related to health, wellness, and physical fitness will also be included.  A mini-triathlon will highlight the end of the second semester, as students will showcase their fitness training they have had throughout the school year.

*Students must have maintained an “A” average in prior Physical Education classes and have a written recommendation from their current Physical Education teacher to be enrolled in this class. Honors credit is given for this course. Enrollment in this course precludes eligibility for seeking a waiver for varsity athletics or marching band. The grade for this course will be figured into the student’s academic grade point average.