PLTW Digital Electronics 573
This third course offering in the Project Lead the Way pre-engineering program provides a foundation for students who are interested in electrical engineering, electronics, or circuit design. From smart phones to appliances, digital circuits are all around us. Students study topics such as combinational and sequential logic, utilize industry level circuit design and simulation tools, and wire and test circuits on pronto-boards. Students will gain experience with the components of digital circuit design including logic gates, integrated circuits, programmable logic devices, soldering, and microcontrollers such as the Arduino. Opportunity for admissions preference, scholarships and course credit through the Project Lead the Way network of post-secondary partners. Students taking Digital Electronics can also access four hours of tuition-free college level technology credit for successful completion of this course through Oakton dual credit (An application fee of $25 is required if students elect to receive college credit). This course fulfills the applied art graduation requirement.