SELC AP Biology 283


Career and Technical Education








Full Year

SELC AP Biology 283

SELC AP Biology is the third science course in the four year Science and Engineering Learning Community program of study. This laboratory science course will investigate major biological concepts such as ecology, cells, disease, genetics, DNA technologies, evolution, diversity of life, energy, and human body systems, and will do so through solving significant science and engineering challenges. The science-engineering integration continues as students in this course will also be enrolled in PLTW Digital Electronics 573. This course emphasizes skills and content required to perform successfully on the AP exam for this course given in May. The student may receive college credit, advanced college placement, or both depending on the exam score. Students taking this course have been admitted to the Science and Engineering Learning Community. This course fulfills the science graduation requirement. (This course will be new to the SELC in Fall 2020 pending Board approval.)