Career Survey 161 This instructional elective course focuses on self-exploration in the area of transition through instruction on decision-making and self-advocacy, as they relate to career choices and participation in society. Emphasis will be placed on...
Health 161, 163 This instructional course focuses on teaching students the decision-making skills needed to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles. This course involves the study of health and wellness related to: first aid and safety education, prevention of...
Independent Living 163, 263 This instructional course is designed to help students learn how to live as independently as possible in the community after high school. Students learn the skills necessary for successful independent living in the future. The areas...
Independent Study 161 This instructional course is designed to offer the opportunity for students to take or make up a variety of courses that they may have failed or have had difficulty in scheduling. Students work independently on coursework with instruction geared...
Resource/Study Skills 163, 263, 363, 463 In this instructional class, emphasis is placed on reviewing student goals and progress and providing time to access resources specific to individual student needs. Resource may be used for homework planning and completion,...
Work Study: Class/On The Job 163, 263, 363, 463 The focus of this instructional class is on career exploration and job readiness skills. Students explore a range of vocational opportunities and assess their own interests and skills. Classroom vocation skills are then...