PLTW Digital Electronics 573 This third course offering in the Project Lead the Way pre-engineering program provides a foundation for students who are interested in electrical engineering, electronics, or circuit design. From smart phones to appliances, digital...
PLTW Engineering Design and Development 473 In this capstone course, students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process. Students perform research to choose, validate,...
PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design 173 This is the foundation course of the nationally recognized Project Lead the Way pre-engineering program. In this course, students use 3D modeling design software to solve design problems as they develop, create, and analyze...
PLTW Principles of Engineering 273 The second course in the nationally-recognized Project Lead the Way pre-engineering program provides students experience in various areas of engineering and physics. Students will apply their knowledge to solve engineering design...
SELC AP Biology 283 SELC AP Biology is the third science course in the four year Science and Engineering Learning Community program of study. This laboratory science course will investigate major biological concepts such as ecology, cells, disease, genetics, DNA...
SELC Chemistry Honors 173 Chemistry Honors is the second science course in the four year Science and Engineering Learning Community program of study. This accelerated chemistry laboratory science course stresses the development of problem-solving skills and careful...
SELC Physics Honors 173 This laboratory course is the first science course in the four year Science and Engineering Learning Community science sequence. While students will investigate all major topics in a comprehensive first year physics course–optics, wave...