Accounting Advanced Honors 271 A further study of the concepts and principles of accounting. This course continues many of the topics introduced during the first year of college accounting. Strongly recommended for those planning to major in business in college....
Accounting Honors 173 This accelerated course is for the serious student who is interested in establishing a strong business foundation for college. The student will master generally accepted accounting principles, examine different types of businesses, explore...
Adaptive Physical Education Adapted Physical Education is designed instruction that will appropriately modify physical activities to meet the unique needs, challenges, abilities and disabilities of the individual students enrolled. Prerequisite: Permission from the...
Advanced Acting 261 This intermediate course covers acting skills including relaxation and concentration, creation of characters, play-reading, blocking, and scene production. Students participate in theater games and exercises, improvisation, and performances of both...
Advanced Ceramics 261, 361, 461, 571, 671 Advanced level ceramics classes designed for students to develop skills in idea development, planning and reflective critiquing leading to well-made meaningful artwork. Students develop proficiency in clay use, surface...
Advanced Drawing 261 This course is the second in sequence and will teach the development of drawing styles. Students will gain technical drawing skills in the areas of figure drawing, design, and still-life. Prerequisite: Beginning Drawing...
Advanced EL 363 Designed for Multilingual Learners with Expanding to Bridging English proficiency. Focuses on reinforcing academic English reading, writing, listening, and speaking across a variety of...
Advanced Painting 261 This course will teach advanced painting skills and idea development. Opportunities will be provided for students to develop their own styles, exhibit their work and develop a portfolio. Prerequisite: Painting...
Advanced Precalculus 463 This course covers various elementary functions, rational and polynomial functions, trigonometry, and exponential and logarithmic functions. Additional topics include polar equations, vectors, parametric equations, probability, statistics, and...
Advanced Radio Production 261, 361, 461, 561, 661, 761 This is an advanced course in radio theory and production. Students in this course are expected to be conversant with the terminology of broadcast production, evaluation, and performance. In their assigned roles...
Advanced Television and Film Production 261, 361, 461, 561, 661, 761 Students enrolled in Advanced Television and Film Production class produce all of the programming seen on Glenbrook South Television (GBS-TV), the school’s cable channel, which reaches over...
Algebra 1 163 This course covers operations, properties, and patterns in algebra. It covers topics of proportions, linear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, polynomial factoring, quadratics, absolute value, exponential functions, radicals, probability,...
Algebra 163, 263 This instructional course is designed to develop student’s knowledge of algebraic concepts and skills. Topics may include operations with integers, simplifying expressions, factoring, solving single and multi-step equations, absolute value, and...
Algebra 2 363 This course covers linear and quadratic relations,systems of equations, properties of functions,powers and roots,exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry, polynomials, sequences & series, and basic probability & statistics....
Algebra 2 Honors 373 This course covers content similar to Algebra 2 at a more rapid pace and with more rigorous problems, anticipating the high level of algebraic performance required for success in Precalculus Honors and AP Calculus. Topics include a quick review of...
Algebra Concepts and Applications This instructional course is designed to provide students knowledge of algebraic concepts and skills. Emphasis is placed on problem solving skills and applications. Topics may include: variables, integers, linear equations, writing...
Algebra Studies 163 (LA) This course covers operations, properties, and patterns in algebra. It covers topics of proportions, linear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, polynomial factoring, quadratics, absolute value, exponential functions, radicals,...
American Sign Language 163 Students begin to develop language competency across two modes of communication: expressive and receptive skills. Performance-based activities allow students to express themselves in ASL in practiced and familiar situations. Students are...
American Sign Language 263 Students continue to develop language competency across two modes of communication: expressive and receptive skills, applying more complex grammatical structures and vocabulary. Performance-based activities allow students to express...
American Sign Language 363 Students strengthen language competency within the context of culturally rich thematic units, in conjunction with ASL 463, across two modes of communication: expressive and receptive skills. Performance-based activities allow students to...